Ready, Set, Launch: Your Ultimate Handbook for a Seamless Website Debut

Picture this: After finally tying up last-minute on-page SEO, you’ve got your new website ready to launch. You give your digital marketing team the green light, and BOOM – we’re live.

So … now what?

Take it from us: People don’t settle for websites alone anymore. Today’s consumers demand stellar, yet secure, online experiences from the brands they choose to do business with. Don’t make the mistake of letting your new site fly under the radar; in the end, people care about this component way more than you think.

Should You Announce Your New Website?

Our trusty Magic 8 Ball says “yes” but, like most businesses, you need something a little more concrete to lean on.

Here’s some food for thought: 75% of people judge a brand’s credibility by its website. If that’s not enough to make you want to tell the world, consider that in just a year’s time, Google searches jumped a whopping 22%. Online visibility is more powerful than ever before. We’d even go so far as to say that it’s imperative to the future of your business.

This can be a lot to process, especially if your business isn’t familiar with the benefits of a new website. How are you supposed to manage a successful launch, anyway?

Let’s unpack that.

Ways To Announce A New Website

The last 20+ years of web design and development have taught us a thing or two about how to celebrate this exciting time for businesses. Think of it this way: When people move to a new home, they often host a housewarming party. This also rings true for a fresh website! The event can be as exclusive – or inclusive – as you want it to be. It all depends on your company’s ambitions.

Soft Site Launch

Sometimes, it’s best to take a site live discreetly while you complete the finishing touches. We refer to this as a “soft” launch (aka the friends-and-family rollout). Set yourself up for success and keep the following tips in mind should you choose this site launch style:

  • A soft launch involves updating the DNS and changing over to the new website, but not physically announcing it via social media or other marketing channels.
  • Soft launches allow you to get feedback from your staff, friends and family, and possibly a few visitors who stumble upon it.
  • This approach may allow more time to see what’s working and what’s not. Should you switch up the navigation? Change the wording on this page or that page?
  • Soft launches can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

This is the best time to send the site to family, friends and any stakeholders. They can provide feedback on design, content, user experience, load times and, really, anything else that comes to mind. Look at this as an opportunity to test and adjust things before letting the masses know your crisp site is live.

Official Site Launch

You know the saying: Go big or go home. If you’re looking to announce your new site with all the bells and whistles, we have a few ideas on how to make your official site launch one to remember.

Post On Social Media

If you already have a strong follower base (and even if you don’t!), social media is pure money to announce your website launch. Not only does this strengthen the trust between you and your target audience, it builds credibility on the digital, er, forefront.

Include The News In Your eNewsletter

Whether you have an internal eNewsletter or broadcast noteworthy updates to subscribers, including this exciting news is a must.

Write A Blog

Writing a blog about your new website better tells your brand story. Use it to explain how this new site ties into your core values and prioritizes customers. Did we mention posting blogs regularly can improve visibility in organic searches?

Redirects Are A Must

No, seriously. Don’t skip this one. Failure to follow through on your redirects could result in your site performance tanking. Making sure you have redirects from your old URLs to your new ones will keep Google happy and site visitors from seeing the infamous 404 page.

Psst… Need extra help here? Get a bulletproof site launch strategy that includes 301 redirects.

Ready, Set, Launch!

A new website can be a catalyst for your business – if you know how to use it. Once launch day arrives, deciding how to announce this milestone boils down to how ready you feel. Soft launches are ideal if internal parties or people close to you want/need to review the site before it goes public. This style of launch is also an option if additional testing is required. On the other hand, you may want to keep the gas on and make an official launch announcement. If you find yourself in this position, tools you can utilize and get as much exposure as possible include social media, email and blogs. Tie up loose ends with your redirects and don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance to make your site launch a breeze.


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