Award Winning SEO Company, based in Columbus – With a National Focus

Finding the right SEO company should be a simple task, but it isn’t. With so many providers offering SEO services, it can be overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure what your company truly needs to take your conversions to the next level.

We’ve been providing SEO services for so long, we even predate that acronym (we just called it website optimization). And having lived through literally every genesis of the industry, we can offer insight that others simply will never have. But you can also rest assured that our tacticians are well versed in all current trends and techniques, as continuing education is a core philosophy for us.

A partial list of our SEO services:

  • On-page SEO optimization
  • Local SEO
  • National SEO campaigns
  • Technical SEO
  • Organic SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Reputation Management

If you’re looking for an SEO company in Columbus, Ohio – or anywhere in the US – reach out and see how we can help. Or get your free website SEO analysis, with zero spam or salesperson hounding.

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“(Organic) SEO Is the Answer”
– Google

While we offer a full suite of SEO services, our specialty is organic search placement. Statistically, a high SEO ranking will bring far more traffic than paid search – and there are hundreds of case studies that have proven this. Google even states this on their own website:

“If your goal is to drive traffic to your site in the short term, you might choose to focus on PPC ads. If you want to enhance your business’s online presence in the long run, SEO is the answer. Alternatively, invest your time and energy in both SEO and PPC for a rounded strategy.”



If this is the case, then why do so many agencies push paid search instead of SEO? Well, we can boil it down to a few key points:

  • Achieving high SEO rankings is difficult to do, and nearly impossible if you don’t have a syndication resource. We have spent more than 20 years building access to high quality and reliable syndication sources, which are key to successful campaigns.

  • It takes time. Organic SEO is a long-term effort, and it can be difficult to obtain short-term wins. And while we can’t do much to speed up the long-term goals, we can certainly help with immediate wins and easily justify the ROI.

  • Great SEO services takes patience, manual resources and VERY good people, all of which are in short supply.

  • That is NOT to say that we don’t do paid search; in fact, we are established experts in this area. We are a certified Google Partner, and have all the expertise you need for Facebook ads, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. The difference is that we view paid search as one piece of a much larger puzzle – not as a final answer.

A Full Service SEO Agency – Or Strategic Staff Assistance

We’ve structured our marketing agency to give you help where you need it most. In general terms, we can help with any of the following needs:


  1. 1

    Take advantage of our full suite of SEO services, and let your Project Manager custom tailor a plan around your needs. We’ll handle everything from your website updates, paid ads, organic SEO rankings and more. It’s the best way to ensure that your digital presence is performing at peak perfection.

  2. 2

    Strategic Talent
    We have the knowledge, experience and expertise of SEO agencies many times our size – but maintain the same level of care and attention shared by of your in-house marketing team. Do you have a gap in what your team can currently provide? We can assist and help you get to the next level.

  3. 3

    When it comes to your marketing, there is nothing more unsettling than uncertainty. Is that paid search campaign really producing the way it should? Is your online presence really standing out – or dominating – your competitors? Are your people up to speed on the latest and greatest techniques? We can assist with all of the above, whether you need us for a one-time checkup or regular consulting.


When All You Have Is A Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail

If you’ve worked with an SEO company before, chances are that you have or had a paid search campaign (typically Google Ads). It’s the knee-jerk automatic default for nearly every agency. Why? Well, we’ll let you in on a very open secret.

Paid Search: It’s easy to do.

It’s easy by design. Google makes more than $150 billion each year, and more than 80% of that comes from Google ads. If the system was hard to use, the bottom line would be impacted greatly. So Google has invested heavily in automating much of the process, and it’s feasible that you could implement a campaign in minutes. Great for agency margins, eh?

But keep in mind that paid search is only one tactic in a very large bag of tools that are available to you. Unfortunately, a lot of those tools require experience, expertise, time or some combination of each. They also require great people that are dedicated to doing the right thing instead of the easy thing.

There Is No SEO Without An Eye For ROI

If you’re like most, the acronym you’re really concerned about isn’t SEO – its ROI. For most campaigns, ROI drives success, which is why we specialize in SEO services. We’ve honed our skills to become experts in organic rankings, the most consistent, lucrative, and reliable source of web traffic. Couple it with a robust full tactic Digital Marketing Plan, and you’ve got the ultimate recipe for success.

Concerned About Hiring an SEO Agency?

We get it. If you’re like most, you’ve had a bad experience with an inexperienced SEO company. Or it might just be that you’re one of the folks that considers all this SEO optimization to be “black magic”, that we are somehow gaming the system, and our work could lead to a penalty (or worse) for your site.

Would it surprise you to know that Google not only knows the work we do, but also encourages it?

That is – they encourage work done the right way, by experienced SEO experts, since it actually does help them in the long run. Here’s some proof; it’s an older video, but it’s still quite timely, and it’s from Google themselves!

From Google (!): How to hire an SEO

answer your questions?

Browse our FAQs on SEO


How long does it take to get results?

We have had campaigns with amazing results in as little as one week. BUT…keep in mind that “amazing results” means vastly different things within different projects. For a brand new site with zero rankings, just getting indexed and seeing keywords climb hits that button, while on a mature site getting a keyword to go from #12 to #3 might be a quick win.

But to set fair expectations, organic SEO takes time. It can be months before you see the full effect of what we do. That doesn’t mean you won’t see incremental improvement (you will), it just means that it can take a while to knock out tough competitors. Rest assured, you’ll get clear, no bull reporting each month so you will always know what’s happening.

How will I know it’s working?

The most obvious sign will be a gradual increase in keyword rankings. We’ll track and report on a handful of phrases, and as they increase, other peripheral phrases will increase as well. All of this adds up to more traffic to your site.

But, that’s only half the battle. Once you get that increased traffic, our team jumps back in and makes sure engagement and conversion is happening. After all, any agency can get people to your site, but it’s what they do there that counts!

We will provide all this data to you using both a dashboard (that you can refer to anytime) as well as handcrafted, easy to understand reports.

Is Organic SEO better than Paid Search?

Both can be effective methods of driving traffic to a website. Paid search does have an advantage in that you can get very precise about the audience you are targeting, when you try to reach them, and many other variables. But it’s hard to argue with the effectiveness of a well-done organic SEO campaign.

Most people are conditioned to ignore the paid search listings, and to skip right to the “regular” (organic) results. Think about your own habits – how often do you click the ads or paid listings? And what is your trust level with those results?

When we run a full digital marketing campaign, we will often incorporate a strategy that includes both organic and paid search. But we do this with an eye to eventually dial back that paid search spend as the organic rankings take over – increasing your ROI year after year.

We had a bad experience with another SEO agency; how can we be sure we won't have the same issues?

The answer here might be surprising, but our extensive discovery process has been honed to identify potential pitfall areas and address them before we even get to work. We talk a lot about our 20+ years of experience, and this is a key area in which it pays off. You’ll be no one’s guinea pig; we’ve been through it all with previous clients and two decades of trials and errors. We’ve created a system that provides high ROI, clear deliverables, reasonable goals, milestones, tracking and reporting, and it’s a proven formula that has withstood the test of time.

That being said, we’ll want to make sure we fully understand how your previous agency didn’t live up to expectations, and make sure we’re the right fit to get you what you need. Simply contact us to get the conversation started.

How much does SEO cost?

That all depends on a huge number of factors. Demographics, competition, market reach (are you strictly local, regional, national or even global?), strength of your website – these are just a handful of factors that play into how much work will need to be done to increase your SEO rankings. To understand more, we have an article that addresses the cost of digital marketing, and you can always request a free review of your site and an estimated SEO budget range.

Why do all my competitors' sites rank higher than my site?

There’s more than 200 factors that Google takes into account within their algorithm, so it could be a number of things. Our experts are well-versed in isolating the issues and implementing a strategy to get your site ranking. But keep in mind that some phrases may simply be out of reach – for the time being. Depending on your site’s domain authority, you may need a comprehensive, long-term strategy to set you up for success. Other times, it’s just that your site isn’t representing the search criteria well enough, which we can fix. Contact us and we can take a look – for free.

Are there some things I can do myself to improve my SEO?

Absolutely! We’ve written several blog posts about it. Your Free SEO Checklist for 2023 is our most recent, there’s an article on best On-page SEO practices, and much more in our blog. We’re also happy to give you some ideas that are specific to your site; just head over to our free SEO report card, and an expert will give you feedback on your site with zero obligation.

Suggest a FAQ!

Do you have a question that we haven’t addressed? Just submit it here, and we’ll add it to the site!

Want to Learn More About Our SEO Services?

For more information about our SEO services, local SEO in Columbus Ohio or how ForeFront Web can boost your rankings, contact us today!

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